Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains

Hiking, Trip to surroundings
Stožec - Srnčí vrch

Length: 27,4 km
Dificulty: difficult
Circle: YES, Marking: marked

The trip starts from the railway station in Stožec and we walk along the yellow tourist track along the railway line to the crossroad called Nové Údolí. Here we turn to the red tourist track and head for the crossroad U Rosenauerovy nádrže (By Rosenauer Tank). Here, by the blue tourist track, we head along the Schwarzenberg Canal through the U Oslince crossroad, Hučina to the Schwarzenberg Upper Tunnel Portal. Then continue along the green tourist sign Hlučická cesta to the crossroad Černý Kříž. Here we turn to the blue tourist sign that leads along the right bank of the Studená (Cold) Vltava River to the crossroad Lávka. From this place we continue on an unmarked road along the railway line back to the village of Stožec.


   Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Stožec - Srnčí vrch
See the map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 792 m n.m.       cyclo route 1024 
 Nové Údolí 
 836 m n.m.       crossroad with yellow route and cyclo route 1023 
 U Rosenauerovy nádrže 
 944 m n.m.       crossroad with red route and cyclo route 1023 
 Srnčí vrch 
 910 m n.m.       cyclo route 1023 
 934 m n.m.        crossroad with green route 
 Schwarzenberský horní portál tunelu 
 927 m n.m.       crossroad with blue route and cyclo route 1027 
 Černý Kříž 
 762 m n.m.       crossroad with green route and cyclo route 33 
 792 m n.m.        

 Stožec - Stožec lies in the valley of the Studená Vltava River. Nearby the Stožecké Rock is the Pilgrimage Chapel of Our Lady. Today it is a well-known tourist destination. On the southern side of the Stožecké Rocks there is a nature reserve with the original spruce fir spruce.
 Nové Údolí - Nové Údolí is one of the most beautiful places in the Czech Republic. There used to be a busy border village here, but today, except for one cottage, you will find only the former customs office for pedestrians and a small romantic railway station. In the tourist season, you can ride a replica of a steam locomotive and receive a commemorative ticket. There are also three historic railway wagons in the area where you can find other attractions - such as the Museum of Pošumavské železnice (railway) with a unique collection of contemporary photographs of the former Haidmühle station and other attractions.
 U Rosenauerovy nádrže - Residues of the Rosenauer water reservoir are surrounded by spruce forests. It was here that the entire route of the original waterworks - the Schwarzenberg Canal - began to unfold.
 Schwarzenberský horní portál tunelu (The Schwarzenberg Upper Portal of the Tunnel) - The Schwarzenberg Canal is an extraordinary technical monument of South Bohemia. The water canal connects one of the tributaries of the Cold Vltava River and the Austrian river Mühl, the Danube inlet. The channel’s length is 44 km. At the bottom end (now in the village of Jelení), the tunnel ends with Neo-Renaissance granite portal, at the upper end the tunnel is closed by a Neo-Gothic portal. On the lower portal the year 1823 is carved, which is the year of completion of the whole work.

Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Stožec - Srnčí vrch

Photos of the route

Chapel in Stožec (in the year 1976)
Chapel in Stožec


  Accommodation Lenora
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