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Hiking trail - Oldřichov v Hájích – Hejnice

Length: 8,4 km
Dificulty: easy
Circle: NO, Marking: marked

The route goes from the Oldřichov v Hájích train station following the blue touristic sign up to Oldřichovské sedlo and then to the right by the Viniční forest route to the old deer reserve. It winds up the hillside of Srázy and continues through the beech and spruce woods to Kámen Osvobození (The Rock of Liberation) which is there to commemorate 10th anniversary of the creation of Czechoslovakia. The route also goes around many Pilgrimage stops such as crosses. From the Rock of Liberation it continues along the stream and Farská Louka (Parish Meadow) through Lužec to Hejnice still on the blue sign.


   Hiking trail - Oldřichov v Hájích – Hejnice
See the map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Oldřichov v Hájích - train station 
 416 m n.m.       cyclo route 3006 
 Oldřichovské sedlo 
 502 m n.m.      cyclo route 3006 
 Kámen osvobození 
 383 m n.m.        
 366 m n.m.       crossroad of green route and cyclo route 3006 
 Hejnice - church 
 377 m n.m.        

 Oldřichov v Hájích - train station – The village of Oldřichov v Hájích consists of Oldřichov, more than 600 years old, and much younger Filipka, since 1925 also of Betlém (Bethlehem), which used to be a part of the neighbor village Fojtka. The highest hill around is Špičák (Tusk)- 721 AMSL. This area is popular with rock climbers. There is a lot of granite blocks and rocks of strange shapes with chimneys gutters and joints. The river Jeřice flows through Oldřichov.
 The Rock of Liberation- The memorial was established in 1928 to commemorate the beginning of the republic. The middle of the rock was decorated with a small state symbol and the year of the establishment of the Republic as well as with the 10th anniversary. The symbols of First Republic were removed in occupation during WWII.

Hiking trail - Oldřichov v Hájích – Hejnice

Photos of the route

Oldřichov v Hájích


  Accommodation Hejnice
  Accommodation Ferdinandov
  Accommodation Lázně Libverda
  Accommodation Jizera Mountains
Catalogue of accommodation