Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains

Hiking, Trip to surroundings
Around Žacléř

Length: 15,8 km
Dificulty: medium
Circle: YES, Marking: marked

The trip starts in the centre of Žacléř. From there it continues along the green touristic trail towards Královec and after that to the left up around some cottages steeply though the forest. Then it changes to the blue route to the crossing Pod Rýchorským Křížem (Under Rýchorský Cross) and to the baroque Rýcholský kříž (cross). There it turns left and continues near the Rýchorská Bouda (Rychory Cottage) and by the red sign trough Dvorský forest. Then it steeply descends through the forest and a trail between pastures to a small saddle where the biggest fort of WWII Stachelberg can be found. From the fort it leads to the crossing by the chapel in Prkenný Důl. From the chapel it rises along the car road and around the church back to Žacléř.


 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Žacléř - střed 
 627 m n.m.        cyclo route 4081 
 Žacléř - porcelánka 
 628 m n.m.        
 Bílý Kříž 
 781 m n.m.       cyclo route 1A 
 Pod Rýchorským křížem 
 932 m n.m.       cyclo route 1A 
 Rýchorský kříž 
 961 m n.m.        cyclo route 1A 
 Kutná - crossroad 
 1002 m n.m.        
 Pod Dvorským lesem 
 987 m n.m.      crossroad yellow route 
 Tvrz Stachelberg 
 629 m n.m.       cyclo route 4210 
 Prkenný Důl 
 524 m n.m.        
 Žacléř - střed 
 627 m n.m.        
More photos from around the route:

 Žacléř – centre – A mining town mentioned in 1352. Since 1886 has been called Žacléř. The castle has been rebuilt in 18th century to a chateau. The originally baroque church from 16th century was rebuilt to baroque style in 1732 and changed a several times after that.
 Pod Rýchorským Křížem (Under Rýchory Cross) – Rýchory – a treasury of nature beauty. According to legends gold was paned here in 1012. The Rýchory ridge is the most eastern part of the Giant Mountains. Rýchorská bouda (Rychory Cottage) lies in 1022 AMSL and was built in 1930, the baroque Rýchory cross is from 1804. The prettiest places are connected by the trail of the Čapek brothers, who were very famous writers.
 Fortress Stachelberg – The biggest Czechoslovak artillery fort, a part of the border fortification of Babí nad Trutnovem. The fort should have protect the nearby stress line and prevent the invasion of the German army trough Libavské saddle to Czech inland. The building started in 1937-38 but it hasn’t been finished. A vast broken-out underground /3,5 km long is filled with water now. The only concreted building of the 12 planed is the infantry blockhouse T-S73, where the museum of CS fortification can now be found (open Saturdays and Sundays, V.-IX.). There are long distance views form the fort.

Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Around Žacléř

Photos of the route

Rýchorský cross
Shady Vraní mountains
Sunshine Vraní mountains
From Rýchory to Žacléř III
Zacler - town-square - today
Stachelberg by Žacléř
Stachelberg by Žacléř
Stachelberg by Žacléř


  Accommodation Žacléř
  Accommodation Horní Maršov
  Accommodation Dolní Maršov
  Accommodation Giant mountains
Catalogue of accommodation