Czech Mountains » Eagle Mountains » Route - Deštné - Luisino Údolí - Velká Deštná

Deštné v Orlických horách - Velká Deštná

   Route starts in Zákoutí, part of Deštné v Orlických horách. Than it mounts on blue tourist way along the road to village Luisino Údolí. We go through the village and near the lodge turn to the left on green and blue tourist way. After several metres we stay at the crossroad and continue on blue tourist way around the mountain maruša. On the crossroad with Jirásek´s way we turn to the left on red tourist way. We continue on contour line to other crosroad. Than the route mounts around the station of Mountain Rescue under the top of mountain Velká Deštná. From there we go on green tourist way to the top of mountain Velká Deštná.

Mountain Velká Deštná from Zákoutí
Lodge in Luisino Údolí
Velká Deštná from Jirásek´s way