Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains Slovakian mountains

Cycling routes - Circuit around Dalešice dam

Length: 34,1 km
Dificulty: difficult
Bikes: cross bike, mountain bike

An easy trip leading around the Dalešice dam. You can visit the ruins of Čalonice and Holoubek, or the brewery Dalešice.


 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 407 m n.m.      5107 
 441 m n.m.      5107, 5207 
 440 m n.m.      5207 
 449 m n.m.      5207 
 385 m n.m.      5207, 5107 
 452 m n.m.      5107 
 441 m n.m.      5107 
 407 m n.m.        

 Dalešice – possible to visit the ruin of Čalonice, Dalešice dam, or the brewery. The ruin of the castle Čalonice is from 13th century. Today only the base of the castle is visible.
 Kozlany- possible to see the castle Kozlov built in 14th century belonging to the Pernštejn family. It has been deserted since 16th century.
 Číměř- Possible to visit the Holoubek castle built in the first part of 14th century (first mentioned in 1353). Since 1447 it has been mentioned as deserted. The surrounding area has been flooded.

Cycling routes - Circuit around Dalešice dam

Photos of the route

Dam Dalešice


  Accommodation Zahradiště
  Accommodation Radostín nad Oslavou
  Accommodation Telč
  Accommodation Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
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