Big Fatra Big Fatra Big Fatra

Cycling routes - Circuit around Česká Skalice

Length: 31,7 km
Dificulty: medium
Bikes: cross bike

A well marked and moderately difficult trip leading mostly by car roads and some field roads. The topic is focused on the Prussian-Austrian war connected with this area and the year 1866. This cycling path is a part of an educational trail that has been opened on the 135th anniversary of the battle of Trutnov.


 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Česká Skalice 
 296 m n.m.      4018 
 300 m n.m.      4018 
 Slatinský mlýn 
 301 m n.m.      4018 
 Červená Hora 
 372 m n.m.      4056 
 382 m n.m.      4056, 4018 
 Řešetova Lhota 
 338 m n.m.      4056 
 412 m n.m.      4056 
 379 m n.m.      4055, 4056 
 288 m n.m.      4055 
 291 m n.m.      4055 
 289 m n.m.      4055 
 294 m n.m.      4055 
 288 m n.m.      4018 
 302 m n.m.      4018 
 Česká Skalice 
 296 m n.m.        

 Červená Hora Castle Červená hora which was built in 13th century and for some time was owned by the Prague archbishop Jan of Jenštejn and his brothers Václav and Pavel. In 1427 the castle was burned and destroyed. The ruins are freely accessible. There are parts of the walls and of the tower.
 Náchod- following the yellow touristic trail it is possible to reach Vyskokov, where the monument „Myslivec“ (Hunter) the work of Quido Kocián is located. The monument commemorates the year 1866
If you continue by the yellow track you can see the monument Branka (Gate). It is 13 meters high to commemorate cuirassiers
The Náchod chateau is a vast complex with five courtyards which came to exist by rebuilding of a gothic castle built in 13th century. It got its current look in baroque times of 17th and 18th century. The visitors can also see the Piccolomin garden.
 Václavice - „Memorial of IV Army Corps“ it is one of the oldest memorials, it has been built in 1868.
 Provodov- Mass graves, memorials and crosses of the Prussian-Austrian war.
 Dubno- Memorial „Sleeping Lion“ is located behind the lodge and is in the place of a common grave of 80 soldiers.

Cycling routes - Circuit around Česká Skalice

Photos of the route

Castle in Náchod
Ratibořice - castle
Church in Náchod
Ratibořice - school
Townhall in Náchod
Interior of church in Náchod
Chateau in Nachod
Sonov - interior of church of St. Margaret - formerly
Sonov - interior of church of St. Margaret - today
Česká Skalice
Česká Skalice - Chateau
Česká Skalice - Museum
Česká Skalice
Česká Skalice


  Accommodation Hronov
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  Accommodation Eagle Mountains
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