Big Fatra Big Fatra Big Fatra

Cycling routes - Jizera Mountains Singltrek (One way trip)

Length: 17,9 km
Dificulty: easy
Bikes: mountain bike

Singltrek is a narrow ONEWAY trip in all of its length. The Jizera singltrek is not hard and suitable for children. It is possible to access at two points. First above Lázně Libverda and second by Nové Město pod Smrkem.


   Cycling routes - Jizera Mountains Singltrek (One way trip)
See the map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Lázně Libverda (Obří sud) 
 486 m n.m.       yellow marks 
 U Spálené Hospody 
 530 m n.m.      singltrek 
 Streitův obrázek 
 701 m n.m.      singltrek 
 U Červeného Buku 
 699 m n.m.      singltrek 
 Chata Hubertka 
 642 m n.m.       yellow marks, singltrek 
  Lázně Libverda (Obří sud) 
 486 m n.m.        

 Lázně Libverda (Obří sud - Giant Barrel) – The Giant Barel is a touristic restaurant located above Lázně Libverda. It has been built in 1931 and it is the only sight of its type in the Czech Republic, because the building that was an inspiration for this one – The Giant Barell on Javorník – burned down on 20th September 1974.
 Chata Hubertka (Hubert Cottage)- possible to visit the spa town.

Cycling routes - Jizera Mountains Singltrek (One way trip)

Photos of the route

Spa Libverda


  Accommodation Lázně Libverda
  Accommodation Hejnice
  Accommodation Ferdinandov
  Accommodation Jizera Mountains
Catalogue of accommodation